our frequently asked questions
Students are encouraged to come to class looking neat and tidy.
Hair should be pulled off the face in either a neat pony tail, plait or bun.
Leotards, dance shorts/hot pants, leggings and singlet tops are all ideal provided they are not baggy.
No shoes are required for Syllabus Class. You may wear split sole Canvas Ballet shoes for Premier Stretch & Technique classes (criss-cross elastic strap, split sole, pink or tan) however these are not compulsory.
Please ensure you wear shoes to and from class.
Each Syllabus class usually commences with a friendly welcome, Marching and then a gentle stretch to warm you up. Following this, students learn new choreography for each routine with the aim to improve and master new skills, while building your confidence every time you come to class.
Syllabus classes will focus on good posture, strength, and ensuring every student has mastered the choreography in order to perform with confidence when competition season commences in Term 3.
Premier Stretch and Technique classes aim to focus on mastering specific skills required within the syllabus, such as pirouettes, fan kicks, splits, developpes, Jetes and arabesques.
As well as practicing targeted dance skills, these classes are also a lot of fun as students have the opportunity to stretch, practice leaps, kicks, turns and various corner sequences to enhance their dance training.
For students competing in Champion Competitor, a competition leotard can be purchased from Neon Dancewear. Try-on days and ordering periods generally occur around March/April for you to select and purchase your chosen style and colour of leotard.
For students taking part in Team competitions, you will also need to purchase (or hire) your own team leotard from Neon Dancewear.
All students are welcome to try an introductory class obligation free.
Students are encouraged to come along and either watch or participate in a class before committing for the term.